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Pentre Bach 2

Pentre Bach 2

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Enjoy the new Pentre Bach DVD, with 15 episodes from the hit TV series on S4C. Pentre Bach, a village in the heart of Wales, is home to some of Wales’ most popular children’s characters, including Sali Mali and Jac Do, Jac y Jwc and Jini, Pry Bach Tew and Jaci Soch. Episodes:- 01. Brecwast Hwyr 02. Gwneud ei Nyth 03. Cnoc! Cnoc! Pwy sy’ ‘na? 04. Dal Annwyd 05. Chwythu’i Blwc 06. Codi Pac 07. Coblyn o Dric! 08. Bwyta ei Het? 09. Shoni Wynwns 10. Diolch Byth am Jac y Do! 11. Cyfrinach! 12. ‘M’ am…Modrwy 13. Does dim Mwg Heb Dân 14. Bol yn Brifo 15. Gôl! Cert. – Uc Length – 205 minutes

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